More facts from Buckmaster's datasheets and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Location of The Netherlands:     about 52° 49' north and 5° 17' East

Total size (including fresh water and seawater areas)
41529 kmē , of which 23851 kmē agriculture, 4551 kmē forest and nature, 3379 kmē cities & villages, 7201 kmē water and 2549 kmē miscellaneous.
Total size of landmass: 33891 kmē

Highest point:
Vaalserberg: 322.5 m above NAP (about average seawater level)

Lowest point:
Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel: 6.74 m below NAP

Number of inhabitants:
15,800,000 (end of 1999), increase in 1998: +106,000

Population density:
468 people per kmē land averagely, peak areas:over 2400 per kmē
Withinh Europe only Malta is denser populated, worldwide the Netherlands are 13th, right after South-Korea and Bangladesh. Other sources speak of the second place after Bangladesh. :)

1027 km, of which 450 km with Belgium, 577 km with Germany. Coastal line: 451 km.

Average seeclimate, average temperature in the summer 16-17 °C and in the winter 2-3 °C.
Day temperatures range from up to 30°C on warm days down to minus 16°C on very cold winter days.

Population details:
Men: 49,5%, women: 50,5%
Age groups: 24% 0-19 yr / 32% 20-39 yr / 31% 40-64 yr / 10% 65-79 yr / 3% 80 yr or older.
Birthrate (living): 12,3 per 1000 inhabitants
Rate of death: 8,8 per 1000 inhabitants

Marital status:
Single: 44%, married: 45%, widow/widower: 6%, divorced: 5%

City communities:
Ten largest communities (Dutch: 'gemeentes') and population:


1. Amsterdam 718150
2. Rotterdam 590480
3. Den Haag 442800
4. Utrecht 232740
5. Eindhoven 198340
6. Tilburg 185710
7. Groningen 168750
8. Breda 157060
9. Apeldoorn 152350
10. Nijmegen 150500

Smallest community: The isle of Schiermonnikoog: 1003 people

More details about Holland can be found at the CIA / US Government fact book, located at 

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Datum laatste aanpassing: 02 July 2003 15:34:24
Date last update: Monday, January 05, 2004 19:54:07

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